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Empowering Change Through Grants

At the Spartanburg Regional Foundation, we believe in driving positive change by supporting innovative ideas and initiatives. Our grant program is designed to provide funding and resources to healthcare divisions and organizations committed to making a difference in Spartanburg, Cherokee, Union and Greenville counties. Spartanburg Regional Foundation allocates 4 percent of its investment portfolio to grantmaking. Eighty percent is allocated to Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System priority areas and 20 percent is allocated to community partners working with SRHS to improve community health and healthcare priority areas.


Our Grants

As a healthcare philanthropy foundation, we have aligned our priority areas to the strategic goals of Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System. These priority areas and populations include:

  • Infant and Maternal Health  
  • Behavioral Health  
  • Workforce Development  
  • Adolescents  
  • Uninsured/underinsured


About the Strategic Philanthropy Team

The Spartanburg Regional Foundation’s strategic philanthropy team is building alignment between Spartanburg Regional and the Foundation to achieve shared objectives. The strategic philanthropy team works to provide:    

  • Dedicated Support: Our team is here to guide you through the grant application process and provide assistance at every step of the way.  
  • Impactful Funding: We prioritize innovative projects with the potential to create lasting impact and positive change.  
  • Community Engagement: We believe in the power of collaboration and actively engage with grant recipients to amplify their efforts and foster meaningful connections with our healthcare system.   


How to Apply

Do you have an innovative idea? Applying for a grant with Spartanburg Regional is easy.

  • Hospital applicants should use the grant request form on the Foundation’s Hub page (internal employee intranet).
  • Community applicants, if you are ready to partner with a hospital division and think your project fits into our priority areas, please submit our Contact Us form to start the conversation.